The 20B20BS.1 is a high-quality beamsplitter, specifically designed for broadband applications, with a diameter of 50.8 mm and a thickness of 9.4 mm. This beamsplitter is sourced from the reputable vendor, MKS/Newport.
This component is a circular thin beam splitter, featuring a 50:50 (R:T) split ratio, ensuring equal distribution of light between reflection and transmission. The beamsplitter is made from N-BK7, a popular material in the optical industry due to its excellent optical properties and versatility. The N-BK7 Schott material ID guarantees the quality and reliability of the beamsplitter.
The 20B20BS.1 is designed for use with wavelengths of 588 nm, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. The front of the beamsplitter is coated with new bs.1, while the back is coated with new nc.1, both of which contribute to the beamsplitter's high performance.
The physical data of the beamsplitter indicates a reflection of 0.5 on the beamsplitter surface and a transmission of 0.5, ensuring efficient light distribution. The beamsplitter's thin lens shape further contributes to its performance and ease of integration into optical systems.
For more information, including pricing and availability, please refer to the vendor's website at The website indicates that the beamsplitter is currently in stock, ensuring quick delivery for your optical project needs.